Should I Buy A Brand New Sofa From Facebook Marketplace? - Lakeland Sofa Warehouse
Feb 18

Should I Buy A Brand New Sofa From Facebook Marketplace?

Feb 18

Should I buy a sofa from Facebook Marketplace or other social media platforms?

This is a question we get asked quite a lot and the simple answer is NO!

In this blog we will look at the following 

  • Why you shouldn't buy a sofa from Facebook. 
  • The costs involved in purchasing online.
  • What are the risks of buying online?
  • Is it safe to buy off Facebook?
  • The big issues with Cash On Delivery sofas.
  • How should you pay for your sofa?

Purchasing a sofa is a large purchase for many consumers. They are a high ticket item, so you need to get it right the first time and at a price that's affordable to you and your family. One mistake and your purchase could cost you a lot of time and money. By having a read of this blog we hope that we can save you a lot of time and stress.

Our experience of buying sofas.

We have been selling sofas for over 20 years now and in that time we have seen some excellent sofas, manufacturered to a high standard and some really poor ones. One of the biggest issues we came across in the earlier days was, the sofas were all named the same and the images were all the same! We could use one manufacturer or supplier for instance to buy our Oakland sofas. We would then be contacted by a company who could sell the same sofa for £100 less per set. The sofa was named the same and the image was the same, so what could go wrong! When the sofas we purchased arrived, it would look similar in the packaging but when unwrapped we would find staples hanging out, stitching not done correctly and it was like sitting on a park bench rather than a comfortable sofa.  This issue went on for years, we would sell an item and then be contacted by a manufacturer who could sell it for cheaper and send us a poor version of the original.

How do I know I am buying a poor sofa?

This is probably the biggest issue...You dont know and there is know what of knowing. The images are the same and the description is the same. You have to take into consideration the prices. For instance, if you are looking at a Facebook ad that sells the sofas brand new, inclduing delivery for £499 for a 3+2 Windsor sofa, then this cannot be a well made sofa! The item has to be delivered, lets say the cost of this to the seller is £80. He has to make some money, the seller wont be doing this for free. Lets say he wants to make £70 profit. That means the seller has paid £350 for a 3+2 brand new sofa. And this doesnt take into consideration the wear and tear on the vehicle or any issues that might arise whilst delivering it. It also doesnt include VAT. However, this brings us onto our next point and one of the main issues through our experience of talking to customers who have bought off Facebook marketplace.

Should I pay for my Sofas using Cash On Delivery?

Paying Cash On Delivery appears to everyone as the safest way! "At least these people cant run off with my money, I get to see the sofa before I pay, what is there to lose!" The answer is, you will lose everything with absolutely no comeback at all. For the seller, this is the best way, no fees, no VAT, just a straight £70 profit for one delivery! If they are doing 4 deliveries per day thats not a bad income! From your side, you see the sofa packaged, it looks exactly like the one on the image, you pay the money across and the driver leaves. When you unwrap the sofa, this is when you start panicking. The sofa is solid, smaller than the dimensions added online, the stitching is wrong and its rock solid to sit on! You can see now why it was so cheap! However, we can contact them and ask them to come and collect the sofa! Every single customer we have spoken to has then told us that when you try to contact them on Facebook, they block you. You are then £499 out of pocket, with no comeback and a terrible sofa in your living room you will never be able to get rid of. If you had used a card, you would be able to contact your bank or ask the seller to collect but with COD you have no comeback at all. 

But the company on Facebook had good reviews?

The reviews are generally stolen from other reputable businesses. We have stumbled across many over the past few years that have our customers images from Google and Facebook from reviews left for us. 

The advert had 100s of likes and comments!

This is very simple to do. You can purchase likes and loves for a very low cost and ask bots to make comments on the advert to say how pleased they are with your service. Dont believe these either! 

How do I check before buying?

The best practices to stick to before purchasing a sofa off Facebook are as follows

  • Check Google for a premises of the company and see if they have reviews.
  • Never pay cash on delivery.
  • Pay using a card or PayPal this way you have backup.
  • Check if they have a website first.
  • If they have a website, make sure there is a contact address available on the site.
  • Compare prices! If they average price for a Bishop U shaped sofa is £1299.99 and the Facebook ad is offering you the exact same for £599.99 then ultimately you will get exactly what you pay for.
  • Always ask about a returns policy.
  • Dont do all business through messenger.....Its very simple to be blocked! 

Its good to talk! 

If you have been in this situation or are needing some advice, give us a call! We are in our shop 6 days per week and we enjoy a good chinwag! If its advice you need, we have probably been there and done that in terms of sofas and issues with sofas! Visit our shop if your in the area, we are based at Lakeland Sofa Warehouse, Atlas Works, Nelson Street, Carlisle, CA2 5NB! Or call us on 01228 581242.